* What is your current rank, competancy and percentages to the next level?
Competency: Level 3 20 %
Military Rank: Corporal - Federation 27%
* What are your reputations?
Reputation (Federation): 206
Reputation (Empire): 45
Reputation (Union): 4
* Have you previously been in any alliances? If yes, which?
* Why do you think that The Triad is the right alliance for you?
Got invited by Russelc, hoping to learn the game and grow
* Do you prefer fighting or trading?
Currently i am trading because i am to small to fight
* What ship are you currently flying, and what do you expect from The Triad?
* What skills have you currently been developing, and how well developed are they?
Asteroid mining: 15 15 -
Energy collecting: 12.7 12.7 -
Gas collecting: 10.21 10.21 -
Fuel collecting: 20.33 20.33 -
Tactics: 19.33 19.33 -
Hit accuracy: 20.51 20.51 -
Maneuver: 19.38 19.38 -
Weaponry: 16.64 16.64 -
Engineering: 13.7 13.7 -
Cloaking: 10 10 -
Hacking: 15 15 -
* What are your plans for the near Pardus-future?
Don't know...

* When are you usualy online (times in GMT please)?
different times
* In which sectors would you like to stay if it's possible? (The Triad has major holdings in Epsilon Eridani, Alpha Centauri, Ericon, Sol, Quurze, Hoanda, Faexze, and Orerve. Other answers are fine too.)
Sol neighbourhood
* Where are your current buildings located (if you have any)?
Sol: 17,6
Sol: 16,7
* Have you read and agreed to The Rules of The Triad?
* If accepted do you pledge to remain loyal to The Triad, voice any concerns you have as they arise, and to never take unfair advantage of the benefits you recieve as a member?