Non Triad Members may post here asking questions.


Postby Bomberking » Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:31 am

*What is your current XP?


*What is your current rank, competency and percentages to the next level?

Rank for competency is 1. 12% to rank 2

Rank for federation is private.88% to corporal

*what are your reputation?

54 for federation and 12 for others

*Have you previously been in any alliances? If yes, which?


*Why do you think The Triad is the right alliance for you?

Because I am a human federal pilot.I also like to stay in federal clusters.

*Do you prefer fighting or trading?

A mixture of both but I prefer trading.

*What ship are you currently flying, and what do you expect from The Triad?

I fly an adder and I expect that pilots from The Triad have a common goal in trade and war.

*What skills have you been developing, and how well developed are they?

I have been developing energy collecting and only rose by 2%

*What plans do you have for the near Pardus-future?

I have no plans yet.

*When are you usually online?(times in GMT please)

I login at random so I cannot tell you when I am usually online.

*In which sectors would you like to stay if it's possible?

Anywhere except the Pardus Cluster.

*Where are your buildings located?

I have 2 energy wells right next to each other near the wormhole to Inena.

*Have you agreed to the rules of The Triad?

Yes I have.

*If accepted do you pledge to remain loyal to The Triad, voice any concerns you have as they arise,and to never take unfair advantage of the benefits you recieve as a member?

Of course

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