
Non Triad Members may post here asking questions.


Postby krill » Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:41 pm

Profile: View | Edit

Military Rank: [Recruit - Federation] Recruit - Federation The Federation
[Recruit - Federation]

[Private - Federation]
Credits: 254,044
Experience: 3,108
Reputation (Federation):

Reputation (Empire):

Reputation (Union):

Homeworld: Earth, Cluster Federation Human Core
Alliance: None
Pending join request: The Triad
APs played: 279,025
Signup date: 2006-02-04

Other pilots killed: 2 (Mostly Harmless)
Own ship destroyed: 22
Bounties collected: 0
'Kill' Bounties: 0
'Destroy' Bounties: 0

Young Space Dragons killed: 33
Inexperienced Pirates killed: 8
Space Maggots killed: 59
Space Worm Albinos killed: 1
and my stats/skill is
Asteroid mining: 11.19 11.19
Energy collecting: 20 20
Gas collecting: 20 20
Fuel collecting: 11.68 11.68

Tactics: 15.04 15.04
i have also be in the reapers.
the triads are the best and i think i could help and thay can help me with what ever it may be but i need protection from the triad .
i like to trade most off all and love to do all the time if i did not get killed.
my ship is.

Type: Interceptor

Laser mountings: 3 / 3
Laser types installed: 5 MW Impulse laser (64.5%)
5 MW Impulse laser (64.3%)
5 MW Impulse laser (64%)
Missile mountings: 0 / 1
Missile types installed: No missiles installed

Hull capacity (without any ship equipment): 85t
Cargo capacity: 0t / 26t
Size: 8

Armor Type: Zortrium armor
Strength x3
Armor Points: 285 / 285
Shield Type: Standard Shield Generator
Recharge Rate 1
Shield Points: 270 / 270
Hull Points: 165 / 165

Drive: Fusion Drive (64.5%)
Speed 2
Fuel Consumption 125
Evasion Bonus 4%
Tank Size 3
Fuel left: 0.02
Hit accuracy: 17.59 17.59
Maneuver: 15.21 15.21
Weaponry: 12.88 12.88
Engineering: 10.94 10.94

Cloaking: 10 10
Hacking: 10 10
i dont expect any one to do any thing for me just to trade and chill out.
iam not on line all the time i work alot but i try to get on every day off the week if poss.i would lik to stayn were i am realy at least for now any way.
my biulding is Electronics Facilityand its at Adaa: 16, have my totel loyalty and all way will my word on that and my word i never break.

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